Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Girls Day and Senior Portraits

Hello everyone! Today was a great day and the weather was perfect! I went downtown with my best friend, Taylor for the day. We had lunch and shopped around for a bit, which was so much fun! On our way home we stopped at a local bakery to get some chai tea lattes that Taylor claims are the best she's ever had. I had never been there before, but after going there today, I decided that their tea is wayyy better than Starbucks! After we left the caffe, we stopped a nature conservancy and decided to do an impromptu photoshoot! Taylor informed me that she wasn't palnning on getting her senior portraits taken, so being the photography nerd that I am, I offered up my services! The time of day was perfect as well as the scenery. She had told me that she liked the idea of sitting in the middle of a meadow, with really beautiful sunlight, so when I saw this place, I knew it was perfection! I hope you all enjoy these photos of my gorgeous best friend! :)

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